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مضاد للبكتيريا والفطريات للقطط والكلاب Bioline Pati Care Spreyi 50 Ml

السعر: 20.00شيكل

مواصفات عامة
العلامة التجارية BIOLINE
الفئات اللوازم الصحية
الفصيلة كلاب وقطط
تفاصيل المنتج

Bioline Pati Care Spreyi 50 Ml

Bioline Paw Care Spray prevents problems that can occur in cats and dogs’ pouches.

Contains additives that strengthen the skin and the skin.

Ideal for sensitive skinned animals. The pads can be used as long as they are installed.

His skin is moist and has an antibacterial effect.

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